Most people will concede to the fact that it's incredibly important for those who are trying to achieve a similar goal to cooperate and work together - whether that's a developing a project, implementing a new strategy, or instituting a major change that has far-reaching impacts. The same applies when we are talking about community safety. It takes the whole village to participate and be on the lookout if we all are to remain safe from every kind of risk and threat.
This is also true in fire protection and prevention - we all have a job to do. Firefighters must be trained and ready at the drop of a hat; business owners must comply with FDNY mandates for their properties; homeowners must take necessary precautions in their residences. Even we at Brooklyn Flameproofing must be up to date on the latest practices and information regarding flameproofing and fire safety. All together, we keep a community safe from fire. However, there is an important role that even just the general public can play. Today, that's the focus of our discussion.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has a lot to say about fire prevention. According to their expertise, everyday people can do a lot in terms of fire safety just when they are out and about doing their thing around town. Here are a few things that the NFPA suggests people do when they are frequenting public places, going about their daily business:
1. Take a visual scan of any building you'll be entering. Note its condition. Does it seem to be in good shape? Do the entrances and exits appear to be adequate to handle the number of people typically inside? Are the paths out from the building clear or are there obstacles that could get in the way in the case of an evacuation? Those are important details to take in.
2. All visitors to a public building should have an emergency plan in place before attending a special event or going inside. If there were a fire or other emergency, how would your group handle it? Where would you meet if you got separated? Who do you need to call? In the middle of a crisis, most people aren't thinking clearly, and it's too late to come up with a strategic plan. These details should be discussed and decided upon ahead of time.
3. According to the NFPA, once you're inside, take a look around and locate the fire and emergency exits. This would be in addition to the main entrance through which you previously entered. Keep an eye out for alternate ways to leave in the event of a fire or emergency. If one should occur, there's a good chance the main entrance and exit would be jammed up with a mass of people in a panic. It's important to know the other ways to leave the building. Also be sure that nothing is blocking your escape path as well - boxes, furniture, people in aisles, etc.
4. Be vigilant to notice potential hazards on site. Are there candles? Will pyrotechnics be used? Fireworks? Is smoking permitted? Any one of these could be a potential danger. Automatic fire sprinklers are required by law, but if any of the prior things are noted in the building, you will certainly want to be sure you can visibly see them.
5. The NFPA also encourages you to speak up if you see something that doesn't look safe to you. Find the business owner or manager and let them know of your concerns. If he or she doesn't seem to be interested in addressing them, it's a good idea for you to leave right away. And while it might seem like speaking up didn't make a difference, you've at least brought those potential dangers to the forefront of his or her mind.
It absolutely does take all of us together to keep our environment and surroundings safe. We all see and notice different things, and your perspective and voice is needed, especially when it comes to fire safety. By law of averages, we know that fires will occur. However, by all of us being vigilant together, we have a greater chance of reducing the damage it does.
At Bronx Flameproofing, we are proud to play our role in keeping our city and neighborhoods protected from fire. Our flameproofing treatments are a first-line defense should a fire occur This greatly minimizes the spread and severity of a fire. If you are a business owner and have questions or if you need flameproofing treatments performed at your property, please call us today. We are pleased to help and serve your business: 800-594-0117